This is a clip from Nonsensus 2023 featuring a portion of SixofClubs’ presentation on DERO Tokens.
TALKS: DERO Smart Contracts – Slixe
This is a clip from Nonsensus 2023 featuring a portion of Slixe giving a presentation on DERO Smart Contracts.
ZeroPoint – Module 6
An open discussion about blockchain, privacy, technology, freedom and the future!
This episode hosted by secretnamebasis
ZeroPoint – Module 5
This episode is the “Nonsensus Consensus” with a few of the people that attended Nonsensus, they are sharing their thoughts and experiences about the 2023 main event.
Hosted by various Nonsensus 2023 attendees.
BLOG: Nonsensus 2023 Recap – Quest4Designs
A recap on the first privacy focused blockchain convention of its kind took place starting on Halloween 2023 in Phoenix, AZ.