
TALKS: DERO Dev Talks – 2
In this #DERO Dev Talk, Quest4Designs dives into analysis of developer needs with others in the DERO community.
People: Quest4Designs, Apollo, Bisounours, MoralPriest, SixofClubs, Captain Rory B. Bellows, Snax
Watch on YouTube
Quest4Designs’ Notes:
- Every user/new developer needs to have knowledge of algorithms.
- Understanding how to control the computer, such as instructing it to loop or call functions.
- Comprehension of the execution process is crucial.
- Smart contracts are objects based on a key-value pair system, where the key name represents a category and the value represents the field.
- Basic knowledge of the DERO blockchain operation, including the account model, is essential.
- Proficiency in using the Terminal on Linux is necessary.
- Competency can be determined through peer review.
- Best practices in Golang will be established soon.
- Currently, there are no best practices for smart contracts, but there is a recognition of the need for them.
- Smart Contract Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) include Biso, Apollo, and Six.
- With every new release, a video should be created to discuss the code’s functionality and operation.
- The learning curve includes developing “Dreams” by Six of Clubs, which encountered a bug in smart contracts due to a developer’s exploit.
- Apollo’s VM image comes equipped with all necessary developer tools.
- Moral Priest suggests using a container for operating system compatibility, syncing nodes, etc., as it ensures good performance without compatibility issues.
- DERO’s development is gamified to enhance engagement.
- Prerequisite knowledge for developing on DERO includes algorithms, basic and generic programming, REST API, and interactions.
- Arcanesphere is a recommended resource for useful DERO links.
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