In his Turing Award Lecture Reflections on Trusting Trust in 1984, Ken Thompson explained, for the first time, an attack vector against open source code that allowed introducing perfectly undetectable...
In his Turing Award Lecture Reflections on Trusting Trust in 1984, Ken Thompson explained, for the first time, an attack vector against open source code that allowed introducing perfectly undetectable...
This tutorial shows how to create a human readable name instead of a long and complex wallet address. Another feature of Engram wallet to be used on DERO blockchain.
This video explains how to use an integrated address to generate an invoice. Simple but explanatory use case. One of the may features embedded in Engram Wallet.
This tutorial shows how to create a DERO wallet and also how to understand basics on transactions and how to send DERO coins
Speakers will deliver informative presentations while sharing accurate and up-to-date information in a clear and accessible manner. They will dive into the technical details of their subjects while also exploring the broader, social, political and economic impact.
The goal is to create a dynamic learning environment where attendees can acquire practical skills and apply them right away. By fostering interaction and collaboration, these workshops provide a structured and supportive space for active learning at the conference.
Discover the forefront of privacy and technology at Nonsensus. Connect with experts and thought leaders, engage in stimulating conversations and gain deep insights into the latest trends revolutionizing privacy. Expand your network, amplify your influence and unlock limitless opportunities.
At Nonsensus, speakers will be focusing on technical, freedom related and economic topics. attendees can expect engaging speakers who are highly knowledgeable in their respective fields.
Participate in the exciting giveaways of swag items and exclusive surprises. Experience the event to its fullest and discover memorable treasures. Don’t miss out on the chance to be a part of Nonsensus!
At Nonsensus, speakers can offer captivating Q&A sessions. Engage with experts and visionaries as they share their insights and expertise, while you have the opportunity to ask thought-provoking questions. Join us for an immersive experience where curiosity thrives and meaningful discussions unfold.
Immerse yourself in an environment brimming with experiential learning opportunities at Nonsensus. Engage with people who bring a wealth of expertise and real-world insights, providing you with invaluable knowledge and practical takeaways. Interact with fellow attendees who bring diverse perspectives and experiences, enriching conversations and the chance to learn from each other.
Nonsensus provides a vibrant atmosphere that sets the stage for hands-on experiences, interactive showcases, and engaging activities, allowing you to gain practical experience and apply newfound knowledge.